The Internet is rising up in protest on February 11th

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Botch-fest 024

For safety’s sake: Take care to avoid slips, trips and falls
“‘Tis the season for slips, trips and falls. Mornings when the temperature hovers around freezing can make walking on parking lots and sidewalks particularly tricky.

Take your time, take smaller and calculated steps, wear appropriate footwear and be aware that slippery conditions may be present even if you don’t see them.

Please promptly report icy/slippery areas to campus services.”
Kitto I must write a disclaimer about the strong language that will appear later in this post, like your girlfriend.
Even president One Big Ass Mistake America has blamed the majority in the Senate, the Democratic Party.
[National Republican Congressional Committee] Blog - House Dems’ Deep Commitment to Small Business Job Destruction
“Washington Democrats Choose to Leave Struggling Middle Class Families Waiting for Much-Needed Tax Relief in Order to Keep a Political Issue”
rainbow ...., tu pink ayaya .....
About which someone was going to have something to say, the following is from the liberal-as-fuck Talking Points Memo:
Karl Rove Concedes House GOP Blew It On Payroll Tax (VIDEO)
“‘Even George W. Bush’s top strategist Karl Rove thinks House Republicans blew it on the payroll tax cut. His advice: having lost the politics, Republicans should wait until [...] President Obama flies off to Hawaii on vacation, bash him and congressional Democrats for abdicating their duties...”
Twitter / Dan Pfeiffer: “The shenanigans of the last 48 hrs from the House GOP leadership are why 43% of Americans think this is the worst Congress in history ...”
Boehner’s office cuts off C-SPAN cameras as GOP takes verbal beating | The Raw Story
“As Rep. Stenny Hoyer (D-MD) attempted to call for a vote to extend a payroll tax cut to middle class and working Americans, his Republican colleagues adjourned the House and walked out of the chamber. And if that weren’t odd enough, it got even stranger: As Hoyer railed against them for failing to ...”
Twitter / Mark Ford: “@pfeiffer44 [I’m] one of the 57% who knows that Obama is the worst president in the history of our republic. His approval rating is at 38% ...”
Boehner: It’s time for Obama to get involved on tax deal
“House Speaker: Republicans await Senate Democrats and are ready to ‘do the right thing’ for the economy.”
Twitter / BrainwasherDetective: “@chris_m_hurt So he is worse than Warren G. Harding, James Buchanan, or Ulysses S. Grant?”
Newt Gingrich’s Letter to Virginia, Regarding the Existence of Santa Claus and Claims That He Said ...
“Dear Virginia: I’m not going to talk about what I have previously said on the topic of Santa Claus. The record is perfectly clear: Yes, Virginia...”
Twitter / Imei: “Watch out for holiday douchebags. They seem to thrive during this season.”
my little pony, friendship is magic, brony - In Summary...
see more My Little Brony
I have updated my entertainingly shallow and pedantic blog.

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