The Internet is rising up in protest on February 11th

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

You can walk or deny 007

Twitter / Jill Bernard: “Really, Wisconsin? Really?” ... None may walk or deny; Remember November?
Wisconsin GOP holds off Democrats in recall elections
“Republicans held onto control of the Wisconsin Senate on Tuesday, beating back four Democratic challengers in a recall election despite an intense political backlash against GOP support for Gov. Scott Walker’s effort to curb public employees’ union rights.”
Twitter / Martin G.: “S&P has downgraded twitter to 120 characters, Google+ has become Google-, Facebook has become Facebooklet.”
Missouri mom sends message to Congress by airplane - NBC Action News
“A Missouri mom upset with Congress and about the S&P downgrade sent a message in an unusual way.”
Yes, and we have a new nick-name for president One Big Ass Mistake America, “President Downgrade.”
Obama Downgraded, Tea Party Vindicated
“Barack Obama provided a gesture in the form of the nearly $1 trillion Keynesian stimulus package, which, though five times as big as Bush-Pelosi, still created exactly 0.00 jobs.”
The experiment has been a failure and an unmitigated disaster.
Obama and the quicksand summer
“It’s not as bad as it looks for President Obama. It’s not as bad as it looks for President Obama.”
The One-Termer We've Been Waiting For
“Unemployment and health costs are going up and Obama’s going down.”
American Tipping Point
“The view from Hobbitville as House passes debt ceiling and Tea Party principles are the new Hush Puppies.”
“You know [liberals]... a bunch of bitchy little girls.”
Liberal Rage Won’t Stop the Tea Party’s Rise | John Samples | Cato Institute: Commentary
“The tea-party contingent in Congress drove the Republican leadership to bargain harder than it otherwise would have on last week's debt-ceiling deal. Liberals have rightly concluded that the tea party is changing political outcomes. Their response has been to equate tea-party members with terrorists.”
Actually, that would be you, Al Gore.
Al Gore Turns Up The Heat: Climate Skeptics Are Peddling ‘Bullshit’
“Al Gore is using this hot summer to turn up the heat on climate skeptics. The former vice president angrily denounced ‘bulls–t’ from climate skeptics whom he accused of emulating the disinformation tactics once used by the tobacco industry.”
None may walk or deny, 007.

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