The Internet is rising up in protest on February 11th

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Need to read again 009

Perhaps I should have used this title yesterday, then I just wanted to talk about a few minor things.

A few seconds ago
Christopher Hurt repeats while linking, “The Ford Motor Company must be really happy these days as its 2011 Ford Mustang V6 sets a new record by averaging 48.5 mpg at the Bristol Motor Speedway.”
Anymore I do not allow my fuel tank to be driven to empty, because that is bad for the fuel injectors as well as the fuel pump, about which I know something.

A few seconds ago
Christopher Hurt knows saying, “Now we’re in business,” does not necessarily make that day a business day.
Actually I read no business news.

About an hour ago Christopher Hurt via Guy Kawasaki:
Unicorn meat draws cease and desist letter - Holy Kaw!

An ad for unicorn meat—think chicken, only gamier and sparkle-filled—on ThinkGeek drew the wrath of the uptight folks from the National Pork Board. The website for all things geeky received a twelve pages long cease and desist letter from the pork protectors over use of the slogan “The Other White Meat.”
They actually have a Pork Store at the site for the National Pork Board, where they actually sell no meat products, which is “McChrystal clear‎.”

About an hour ago Christopher Hurt via Popular Science:
Why Finding Lithium in Afghanistan Is a Big Deal, Even If It Never Leaves the Ground

Lithium is cheap and widely available, so why do we care about a new resource in a war zone? Because it’s another counter to the irrational fear that the automobile’s lithium-powered electric future is doomed before it begins.
Alternative power trains interest me, as well as the Chevy Cruze, and I am not likely to change my tune.

About an hour ago
Christopher Hurt cannot sing; this is one of my *key* features.
About an hour ago David
I would think it'd be an *off key* feature.
But I'm not trying to cause trebble or anything.
About an hour ago Christopher Hurt
Oh, God... I just got that...

Hey, you just used asterisks for emphasis! Congratulations, David :-)
About an hour ago David
I replied to this through e-mail but it doesn't mention it here...mainly about the connection between Trebble and The Office. Oh well. I thought it would be quicker since Facebook Mobile is still a bit wonky. But that was a good 30 minutes ago.
I remember when I had momentary problems with Facebook Mobile, but those problems have since stopped.

A few seconds ago
Christopher Hurt thought the reason for purchasing carbon-ceramic brakes was that they would last, but okay...
Switzer Performance has carbon-ceramic brakes AVAILABLE NOW. No-one else has these, they will not last!
Carbon-ceramic brakes are actually quite durable and fade-resistant, qualities for which make them expensive, especially the cost of manufacture.

About a minute ago
Christopher Hurt is actually okay with mediocrity; that is the secret to my longevity.
Yes, my life has had virtually no changes in the last twelve to fifteen years, and I further expect that to be the trend for a long time to come. My remarkableness is that I am amazingly unremarkable. Of course, I am halfway depressed about that.

So what? I do not really care. Most of the time, like your girlfriend, no point exists in even trying.

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