The Internet is rising up in protest on February 11th

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Web Wanderings 010

Christopher Hurt submits another reason to like Twitter:
Twitter / BrainwasherDetective: @animealmanac You seeing ...
“@animealmanac You seeing that license plate was the best day of your life. For the M BISON car it was just Wednesday.”
At times, like your girlfriend, even I can be that clever.
Bill Burr interview - Punchline Magazine
“Punchline Magazine’s Matthew Gill sits down with Bill Burr at the world famous Comedy Store in Los Angeles to chat about everything from addiction to Bill’s new DVD, Let it Go.”
Christopher Hurt thanks Sheri Strykowski.
A Beginner’s Guide to Integrated Development Environments
“If you’re new to programming (or new to programming in a particular language) you might be looking for an IDE. Here’s a concise but thorough look at many of the options out there.”
Christopher Hurt now hearts Google even more!
Introducing Twitter TV, Courtesy of Google TV | Fast Company
“Today, Google fully unveiled the features of its much buzzed-about Google TV, and by far one of its coolest aspects is apps. Now, a television will essentially act as a giant iPad, with access to Amazon, Netflix, or Pandora. One app in particular, which will come preinstalled on Google TV, will help infuse television in the Web: Twitter.”
Okay, okay, okay, so I am not as much in love with Google as I am in love with the idea of being in love with Google. On the Internet, I really get around, like your girlfriend.

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