The Internet is rising up in protest on February 11th

Sunday, September 19, 2010

MBH - my brain hurts 007

Christopher Hurt writes without first referencing Wikipedia:
The Doppler effect has to do with wavelengths as they approach one. This is also visible with light from stars. As the light of a star approaches Earth, the light is slower, in the blue part of the spectrum, and as the light passes faster in the red spectrum. There is a physics joke that relates to this phenomenon; the joke often appears on bumper stickers.
Many pages have been ‘liked’ by me on Facebook, and I can copy the links to their updates to share them on my profile, but I am not able to copy the text like other links. Let us forget about International Talk Like a Pirate Day and begin tautology day!
I’s surprised that PBS airs something, other than NOVA, which might actually be useful.
Christopher Hurt has his opinion, like your girlfriend, and it is just his opinion, but still is his opinion.
Christopher Hurt thinks that this is a lesson from which a certain ‘President’ could learn much.
Now, thanks to Nifer, Sheena Easton’s “Morning Train” is playing in my mind. I will counter with ayu’s EURO MEGA MIX “Y&Co. Mix”. Which shall be victorious?
To be much more effective, “Lost My Music” seems, yes, or even “Hare Hare Yukai”, which follows on my current mix CD.
I could very easily sleep and achieve rapid-eye movement right now...

1 comment:

  1. Christopher Hurt is more awake, and less dangerous, after consuming some caffeine in the form of a Coca-Cola product; though earlier, I really was okay to drive, I swear!
