What follows this Word of the Day at Dictionary.com - flapdragon might sound pretentious, “Tell my tale to those who ask it. Tell it truly, the good and the bad, and let me be judged accordingly,” yet remains necessary for me to be honest with myself, and well, not allow the landslide will bring me down; my emotional and financial crises from yesterday will be resolved in one to five business days, once the refund is deposited.
Nothing more exhaustion than dreams wherein I am being asked to solve problems, or take criticism.
— Christopher Hurt (@chris_m_hurt) December 31, 2014
“13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)”
Pokemon BW - Touko 2 by Thunderbolt on DeviantArt
Pokemon BW - Touko 2 by Thunderbolt on DeviantArt