The Internet is rising up in protest on February 11th

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Humor vampirism 001

As my family well knows, I have a tendency to suck away all the fun and humor by encouraging the bickering with, and among, my sisters. When among friends, I often suck away all the humor by forcing a pun. Nearly a year ago, I also sucked away all the humor by discussing grammar. I am often unknowingly quite hilarious at other times.
Here I am sucking away all the humor with a correction:
Twitter / Christopher Hurt: “Don’t you mean Glenn Beck? RT @chicineverycity: @OffOurChest what does #buzkill make you think of? glen beck”

Twitter / off our chests: “@chris_m_hurt @chicineverycity typos can be such a buzzkill.”

Twitter / Jessica: “@OffOurChest @chris_m_hurt werd.”

Twitter / Jessica: “@chris_m_hurt I’m from PA... embarrassing. I’m embracing your philosophy & assuming Toomey’s crazy reflects poorly on me. #yayegocentrism
Toomey, Top Republicans: Not Raising The Debt Ceiling? No Biggie!
“Top Republicans in Congress are advancing the idea that allowing the U.S. to default on its debts for a short amount of time will be fairly harmless, and is a far better option than lifting the debt ceiling sans dramatic spending cuts.”
Twitter / Christopher Hurt: “@OffOurChest @chicineverycity Actually, I thought that my pointing out the error was itself a bit of a #buzkillTwitter / off our chests: “@chris_m_hurt @chicineverycity oh, it was. but truth is truth, and it must be spoken. :)”
Here I am sucking away all the humor by forcing a pun:
The title of the following website suggests the addition of the primary consonant of the privateer, which in turn suggests a new nick-name for a different friend Jessie:
“[Preggster Jessie] is not only pregnant, she is very pregnant ...”
... ... .... ... ...


  1. And at noon tomorrow, in what is sure to be a media circus, Preggster Jessie gets shipped out.
    Noon tomorrow?

  2. Of course as soon as you said that, you gotta know that I was going to read Star Trek IV Script from The Computer Core Dump.
