The Internet is rising up in protest on February 11th

Monday, March 22, 2010

Botch-fest 003

On Facebook, I tend to end my replies to the status updates of others with the phrase, "slides back, under rock." Living under a rock is more than a metaphor for me. I prefer to remain oblivious, and blissfully ignorant of politics and popular culture, because keeping abreast to either is too frustrating to me. I tend to get angry easily, especially about politics.

I tend also to not discuss politics, because (1) politics is not considered polite conversation in mixed company, (2) I do not know enough about the issues to discuss them calmly or avoid an ad hominem fallacy or attack, (3) I am on the opposite of the debate of most issues, (4) I do not like being wrong or being made a fool, and (5) I would rather keep friends and be respectful.

What I am about to say contains strong, vitriolic language, and in truth and in substance may be nothing beyond the regurgitated ramblings of conservative talk radio, to which I stopped listening at least half a year ago. Perhaps for no reason, and perhaps to no productive end, I am angry, and I am going to write about being angry. This time it's personal!

This Health Care Bill is a complete crock of shit!

Now I have to fucking get health insurance or pay a fucking fine?!

I can't fucking afford any goddamn health insurance!

After the 23.95 percent of my pay gets sucked away, I only make $10.50 an hour.

How the fuck am I suppose to afford health insurance?

How the fuck am I suppose to afford the new fucking taxes you fucks are going to put on me to fund this shit?

All us to Republicans are just supposed to shut up?!

All opposition is just supposed to shut up?!

Fuck you Democrats!
I hope people wake the fuck up and vote every last one of you goddamn fuckers out of office!



There. I'm done, for now, like your girlfriend.

1 comment:

  1. That came a place of genuine partisan hatred, and I plan to examine my options in response to the House action in a forthcoming post.
