The Internet is rising up in protest on February 11th

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Stale zaniness 042

When I share verses with WordPress, I try to save the post as draft, yet twice today I instead published, so I honored the first of spring, and doubled Stale zaniness 021.
This Winter Wasn’t the Coldest, But Was One of the Most Miserable
“‘It has never been this cold,’ said my mother in New Jersey in mid-January. Surely thousands of other Americans had the same complaint in the winter of the polar vortex. But was this winter ...”
“16 And I will ask the Father, (John 14:16-17)
and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,
17 even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive,
because it neither sees him nor knows him.
You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.”
Figure out The Great and Powerful Trixie
Equestria Daily - Somepony say thanks by Rariedash on deviantART
US college professor demands imprisonment for climate-change deniers
“An assistant philosophy professor at Rochester Institute of Technology wants to send people who disagree with him about global warming to jail. The professor is Lawrence Torcello. Last week, he ...”
If I were speaking to this professor face to face, I believe my response would be, ‘go to hell’, and I would remind him The Day After Tomorrow is a work of fiction.
Final Round! Pocky cheese taste - "Good job, Charlotte."
Die 6 QB vs. Tomoe Mami vs. 4 Charlotte | it happened [pixiv]
Star Trek Actually Got Tractor Beams Right
“We've made another step forward in building real-life tractor beams. Turns out that the trick is in the angle of the beam, and Star Trek did a pretty good job of representing what a real tractor beam could look like.”
“ROLL OUT, Transformers fans! Hub Network is
debuting an all-new Transformers series in early 2015!”

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