The Internet is rising up in protest on February 11th

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

New World Order (Secret of My Excess)

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. (Psalms 19:14)”
flutter maid by nendo23
flutter maid by nendo23
50 Things You’ve Probably Never Been Asked

1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
I have a comb...what?

2. Name a food you never, ever eat.
I don’t know

3. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Hearing Rowdy Yates and The Original Country Gold

4. What is your favorite candy bar?
I don’t know, but I don’t want renal failure

5. Have you ever been to a professional sporting event?
Yes, but do those even exist anymore?

6. What is the last thing you said out loud?
I don’t know

7. What is your favorite ice cream?
I can’t really have that anymore

8. What was the last thing you had to drink?

9. Do you like your wallet?
‘Made from Aluminum, Titanium, Carbon Fiber, and Damascus, The Ridge Wallet is an expanding minimalist wallet that protects your cards and cash.’

10. What was the last thing you ate?
Chewable aspirin

11. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?

12. The last sporting event you watched?
CBS is where one goes to see BS

13. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?

14. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?
I don’t know

15: Ever go camping?
No, never

16. Do you take vitamins?

17. Do you go to church every Sunday?
Not regularly

18. Do you have a tan?

19. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza?
I’d prefer them side by side. If the Chinese food is over the pizza, it could get on the pizza and that’s something to avoid.

20. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
I don’t drink soda. But from restaurants and fast food I drink my tea through a straw.

21. What color socks do you usually wear?
I usually wear white socks...

22. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
I don’t know, much time has passed since I was permitted to drive a motor vehcile since I am recovering from injuries and on painkillers

23. What terrifies you?
My existential dread of making some mistake that will cause someone to hate me and never talk to me again

24. Look to your left, what do you see?

25. What chores do you hate?
The opening right past the door to the bathroom is too narrow for my walker so I have to use my crutches

26. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
There was someone who was from New Zealand and I tried to speak with some authority on the rivalry between Ford and Holden, awkward

27. What’s your favorite soda?
No soda. Only tea.

28. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru?

29. What is your favorite number?
Positive intregers in the bank balance

30. Who’s the last person you talked to?
I don’t know

31. Favorite cut of beef?
The steak on the Taco Bell is rather fatty

32. Last song you listened to?
I don’t know

33. Last book you read?
I don’t know

34. Favorite day of the week?
I don’t know what day today is sometimes

35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
No, and I back away from people whenever I am asked

36. How do you like your coffee?
In cups

37. Favorite pair of shoes?
The ones I have

38. Time you normally go to bed?
I don’t know

39. Time you get up?
Morning, honey

40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?
I shouldn’t look directly at either

41. How many blankets on your bed?

42. Describe your kitchen plates.
Paper or washable?

43 Do you have a favorite alcohol?
I don’t drink alcohol so probably not

44. Do you play cards?
Magic the Gathering

45. What color is your car?

46. Can you change a tire?
No, I doubt my ability to persuade

47. Your favorite state?

48. What other state would you live in?

49. Favorite job you’ve ever had?
I don’t know

50. How did you get your biggest scar?
I don’t know

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