The Internet is rising up in protest on February 11th

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Botch-fest 017

To connect to the WiFi at Johnson County Community College, one must authenticate through a website, but Samsung Galaxy Tablet sees no network connection with the WiFi until it can thereby authenticate, which it cannot do because the website can only be accessed through the WiFi.
12 signs you have a computer problem - Holy Kaw!
“In the back of many a mind out there is a little voice trying to tell you there’s something unnatural about your relationship with the computer; however, if you put that little sucker on mute some time back in 2001, consider this your wake-up call from Gracie Murano at Oddee.”
I tried to connect to the website with Verizon Wireless 3G, but the website is not accessible.
The Chevy Nova That Didn’t Go
“You might have laughed when you first heard about how Chevrolet couldn’t market the Nova in Latin America because ‘no va’ means ‘it doesn’t go.’ But if you believed the story, the joke is on you.”
I even tried to use my Motorola Droid 2 as a 3G HotSpot, but a message on my Samsung Galaxy Tablet shows asking me to pay another $30 a month for that privilege!
Barack Obama Is Now The Biggest Tax Cutter In American History
“Beneath all of the Republican and Tea Party grumbling about taxes, one key fact continues to be ignored. According to the Tax Policy Center, Federal taxes are lower than at any time since 1955. Obama has now reduced taxes by more than president since Dwight D. Eisenhower.”
What a load of bull!
Complaining About TSA Molestation Will Get You Profiled as a Terrorist
“Article: Kurt Nimmo April 15, 2011 According to CNN, the government considers ‘arrogant complaining’ about TSA Gestapo tactics at the nation’s airports to be an indication of terrorist behavior...”
Yes, like your girlfriend, without connecting to Verizon Wireless 3G, my Samsung Galaxy Tablet is completely useless while I am at Johnson County Community College.

I just needed to open the browser,
and not enter the URL.

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