The Internet is rising up in protest on February 11th

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

(0 f***s to give)

This post was written later than the date suggests, 1st February.
I was searching my blog to find an image for a post, realizing that I used to write more regularly and how I had resigned myself to accepting the inevitable election of Hillary Clinton as president, who despite the efforts of the complicit mainstream media, propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, failed to be elected. At work the night of the election, I was in the presence of a rabid democrat; since the Senate hearings to consider Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court, and while I actually consider them friends in person, I have had to stop following two on Facebook.
I used the laughing reaction to this post from a friend (except one place in the second excerpt, my editorial comments are mostly parenthetical), who later messaged me.

“When words are many, transgression is not lacking,
but whoever restrains his lips is prudent. (Proverbs 10:19)”
Comm: Poison the WolfPony by DrawnTilDawn
Comm: Poison the WolfPony by DrawnTilDawn
“‘The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.’ MLK

Twenty years ago, I was a Republican. Then came the Iraq War (which we fought on deficit spending, in the midst of upper-class tax giveaways paid for with the Social Security trust fund), (By Dollar and Percentage, US Debt by President: Did Congress Really Steal From Social Security?) and the subsequent lack of soul (not everyone is James Brown) searching over the lack of WMD (Wikileaks Documents Show WMD Were Found In IraqBlogs For Victory). Then came the demonizing of gay people to maintain control of the government in 2004 (now what are you talking about?), and the unfunded, pharma-written Medicare D bill in 2006.

It slowly dawned on me that everything the Republican party claimed to about was a lie. I asked myself, ‘What’s our moral center?’ and I had no answer. That’s when I became an Obamacan (an ‘Obama’ republican). Then, when Mitch McConnell declared, in the midst of the Great Recession, that his priority was not saving the US economy, but ensuring Obama was a one-term President, that’s when I became a life-long Democrat.

When the Tea Party took over the GOP in 2010, to ensure that nothing was done to save poor/minority homeowners from foreclosure (we were Taxed Enough Already, way to blame, wow), that’s when I realized the awful truth: that the moral center of the Republican party was the right of the powerful to maintain and extend their power, by violence, if necessary (the actual F**k are you talking about?). The GOP was the Mr. Potter party, not the George Bailey party. As someone who has always aligned himself with service toward the least among us, this broke my heart. I’ve been fighting the GOP ever since.

Trying to explain why he finally decided to reject the Republican Party is not going to suddenly persuade me. I rejected the Democratic party with the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which my representative at the time (about whom I have not been talking) in the House of Representatives likely cannot recall since he retired in 2010, ahead of the election in November.

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