The Internet is rising up in protest on February 11th

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Another Long Weekend

I have had another long weekend. By long, I refer to the second and seventh definitions on
“having considerable duration in time: a long conversation; a long while.

experienced as passing slowly, because of the difficulty, tedium, or unpleasantness involved: long years of study”
Last weekend on Sunday, we in the United States observed our Independence Day or the Fourth of July, celebrating the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The American victory in the War for Independence is also celebrated as well as possibly some reflection on the present and past service of the Armed Forces.

The Fourth is a federal holiday, so J.C.C.C. had no classes and college offices were closed. The College was also closed Monday, July 5.
Around 5:45 a.m. on Friday morning, I became violently ill with a stomach flu, or rather, as Denton corrected me, food poisoning. I will spare my readers from a recap of the symptoms and only say that I was fully recovered by Sunday evening.

In duration, my weekend was four days long (Friday through Monday), and was long because of the unpleasantness of my illness. Truth be told, I likely would have slept half the weekend away regardless, yet I would have preferred to not writhe while doing so.

A statement which was challenged, I have said that improv dominates my weekends. I was able to attend part of my class on Saturday at the Roving Imp Theater, thus I was also able to attend the shows that night. On Sunday night, we gathered to watch Star Trek: Enterprise on DVD and The Office as well.

Christopher Hurt wrote on the Wall of Steve Susman:
I also have to acknowledge that I like your ads in showing the incompetence of our “leaders” in doing anything about our present problems. It’s up to a third party!
Christopher Hurt found some pictures of the Chevrolet Volt under fireworks:
Christopher Hurt also wonders....
Twitter / Benu: What is it with student ...
“What is it with student council presidents and them being afraid of heights in anime?”
To close, I also found the least persuasive ad on the nears to Facebook:
Barack Obama
Many who like NPR like him”
Fin. Konata says, like your girlfriend, “Good Job!”

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