The Internet is rising up in protest on February 11th

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Aren’t much fun

Christopher Hurt really likes this article!
Is the Tea Party movement pro-British? Why the US conservative revolution could save the Special Relationship
“This may seem like an odd question for a political movement inspired by the infamous Boston Tea Party of December 1773, which helped spark the American Revolution against the rule of King George III.”
I made a reference to the song, which inspired the first performance of John’s one-person show, when commenting on the status of Jessica Robins, and Guy Maggio ‘liked’ my reference, like your girlfriend.

Christopher Hurt reports from Merriam, Kansas: Today, my father, using part of the inheritance from the estate of his uncle, brought a 1994 extended-cab Chevy Silverado, which has a 4.3-liter V-6.


  1. John and I personally tested the sound that evening, so the recorded copy should be good, so you should inquire about it this evening, David
