
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bring the beat back 007

Intermittently, I gain followers on Twitter: betseyross, “a conservative activist to love God, family, America, glittery stuff, and Glock,” whom I frequently re-tweet, and Crack You Whip, “a hilarious web-comic blog that features pictures and words.” Crack You Whip does remind me of the blog Hyperbole and a Half, and to which I could aspire if I made my own images, more actively shared my feelings, and did not become so mired in an attempt to relate a Family Guy quote from the episode “Lethal Weapons” to the image below.

♪ Bring the beat back, ride on ride on ♪alcohol is often an important part of social life in Japan
Source: There’s a grand tradition of “Beer Girl” posters of beautiful girls serving you a refreshing beer, which of course is based on the St. Pauli Girl beer marketing in the U.S. I like this version better,... -J-List Tumblr

For a limited time, Bruegger’s Bagels have a dozen for six dollars every Wednesday, so today I bought some to the office. OK OK OK, I don’t want to write an entire post on everyone with whom I consider myself to have good acquaintance on Twitter, or do I?
Friends and Politics | Weekly Columns | A Dad’s Point Of View
“In this election year, it seems that the discourse is more raw, rough, and angry than ever before. It seems that posturing is taking place among the ...”
“A Magical Maid and writer for Reverse Thieves,” BrainwasherDetective has inquired about my political re-tweets, and demonstrated a quite fun and varied knowledge of anime. Well, those should be in reverse order, and I have not yet explained that the linked image in the second tweet from the serial Mawaru-Penguin-drum.
Full Show: How Do Conservatives and Liberals See the World? | Moyers and Company |
“Bill talks with social psychologist Jonathan Haidt about the moral underpinnings of our contentious culture.”
My interest in anime led me to find others on Twitter, like ジンプ Ginpu, “an anthro webcomic about life, cloned kids and a distaste for gods,” and Erica Friedman, “geek marketing consultant, manga publisher, and culture junkie [who follows] unique perspectives, compelling writers and people who make [her] smile.” Friedman writes the eponymous Social Optimized, and Okazu about ALC Publishing and yuri (girls love) manga and anime.
Twitter makes subtle UI changes that could have a big impact on your experience
“I mostly use to tweet (sue me, I don't like running too many desktop apps) and I noticed that something changed overnight. I couldn't quite place my finger on what changed, ...”
Whose profile images shall always I adore, Mari Kurisato 栗里真理, “mom, lesbian wife, artist, fiction writer, erotica fan, news and Japanese culture junkie, and hermit [who is] not Japanese,” resides in Denver.
Ford recently marketed the new Fiesta through the Fiesta Movement, where for six months each of 100 lucky agents were provided free insurance, free fuel, and a free European-spec Fiesta if they performed tasks and documented their experiences on social media. In pursuit of more information, I used the website to find Ford Fiesta Agents The Wisest Wizards, who have new videos each week on YouTube, and with whom I am also friends on Facebook.

I also found Charlie Brumfield and Nick Malone, hosts of Burnout Radio, “the slightly humorous podcast for everything automotive.” I am friends with Brumfield and on Facebook, and he one day liked Screwed Up Texan, “Dallas mommy blogger living in udder chaos,” so soon I was friends on Facebook with Allie Van Wagoner as well. Through Brumfield, I also know Martin G, “auto journalist, connoisseur of old BMWs, destroyer of golf clubs, and hopeless follower of F1 Racing [who is] still in search of the perfect Ducati 916.”

As busy as she is, Sheri Strykowski, “an artist/creative [who is] learning CSS, Photoshop, WordPress, and Internet Marketing,” is also my friend on Facebook.

I follow the American Preppers Network blog, but most of my understanding of preparedness comes from my friend Denton, who certainly enjoys How Everything Goes to Hell During a Zombie Apocalypse via The Oatmeal. Bring the beat back, 007.
my little pony, friendship is magic, brony - Joe Bond Equals Swag
see more My Little Brony

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