
Sunday, March 4, 2012

You can walk or deny 014

My friends and I are streaming The Smurfs on Netflix...
The Lorax: A Movie Whose Heart is 9 Sizes Too Small
The Lorax is everything it claims to be against. It’s plastic. It’s fake. It’s utterly disposable. It has no love in its heart for nature, or for anything else.”

Source: One anime I have very little awareness of is Hokago no Pleadies,
the official magical girl animation of the Subaru Motor Corporation.
Though I like the art a lot. - J-List Tumblr
My Little Pony FiM - “Putting Your Hoof Down” (Clip) - The Hub
“After being pushed around one too many times, Fluttershy gets some assertiveness training from self-help guru Iron Will, and quickly transforms her ways.”
Is Pinkie Pie out of a job?
Sprinkles’ cupcake automat: A 24-hour sugar fix
“Sprinkles’ cupcake automat, which recently debuted in Beverly Hills, may be coming to D.C. soon.”
George Will: ‘Republicans Leaders Are Afraid Of Rush Limbaugh’
“George Will on the Sandra Fluke controversy: ‘And it was depressing because what it indicates is that the Republican leaders are afraid of Rush Limbaugh. They want to bomb Iran, but they’re afraid of Rush Limbaugh.’”
I am not sure if we have quite found one with
what the New Kids on the Block would call, “The Right Stuff.”
Rush, Don’t Apologize, Sandra Fluke IS a Slut
“Rush Limbaugh has posted a statement on his website this afternoon apologizing for calling Sandra Fluke a slut. Since when do people have to apologize for calling a rock a rock? Fluke is no woman of virtue. She has has been wandering around liberal college campuses recruiting impressionable young […]”

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