
Monday, March 5, 2012

see what I did there 006

Just in time for controversy: Rush to be included in Hall of Famous Missourians in state Capitol
“Limbaugh’s bust is being prepared right now[.]”
Researchers find dark matter blob that could rewrite understanding of galaxies
“Roughly 2.4 billion light years from Earth, a massive blob of a mysterious, invisible substance known as dark matter is threatening to rewrite how scientists on this planet understand galaxies.”
(see what I did there?)
Limbaugh says apology to Georgetown student was sincere, jokes about sponsors abandoning him
“Radio host Rush Limbaugh said his apology to the Georgetown law student he called a slut was sincere but also joked that he, too, got a busy signal Monday when he called the show to join the growing roster of advertisers abandoning it.”
I have updated my entertainingly shallow and pedantic blog.

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