
Saturday, August 29, 2020

Royal Wedding (worth Watching) Vol. 2

It’s like rain on your wedding day,” yet nothing in “Ironic” is, as The Oatmeal explains.
A friend and former colleague was wed today and earlier entreated, “I know this is last minute, but does anyone else in … the surrounding area have a canopy tent we can borrow for my wedding tonight? We’re trying to get as many as possible since it is going to rain!”
Three weeks later “I Have Done Nothing Productive All Day,”
and I watched Youtube until five in the morning again
Princess Cadence by CSImadmax
Princess Cadence by CSImadmax

Friday, August 28, 2020

Retained in Office … Space (it’s too much rain … I stay)

“Declining revenues meant the agency had to prioritize gov’t workers, so the number of contractors was reduced,” don’t get me wrong; that’s just management speak … sucks; some of those with whom I have become friends were laid off Friday night … I get to stay, but I will be changing to the day shift on the Tuesday after Labor Day
“Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy,
brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind." (1 Peter 3:8)”
Lulu by Shore2020
Lulu by Shore2020

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Ogre™ is Your Middle Name

When the next day starts can be debated, yet the host of the video viewing club and played Orge by Steve Jackson Games as Saturday became Sunday.
“For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness
to everyone who believes. (Romans 10:4)”
I drew Polka Omaru. #Picture
I drew Polka Omaru.
That’s Trump and Epstein. Yep. But that’s not on the pedo-island. That’s at Mar-a-Lago. The club that Trump owns. Which was also the ONLY club in Palm Beach that allowed blacks and Jews, and that was only because Trump refused to follow that ordinance. He actually sued the city of Palm Beach for being racist against blacks and Jews. Trump later banned Epstein from the club because he found out Epstein made passes at the 14-year-old daughter of another member, and in 2002 he publicly outed Epstein as a pedophile. Long before Epstein was investigated or charged. In 2005, all of Epstein’s contacts were subpoenaed, except Trump, because he came forward willingly. So, to all of you misinformed dummies, stop trying to use this nasty circle of pedophiles to express your hate for Trump. Do your research and stop being sheep that see a picture and make up your own story to it. And for God’s sake, stop using this sick s**t going on to push your Trump-hating agenda. It is pathetic and mindless.”

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Life, the Universe, and Everything (Carry on my stalwart Son?)

Going to bed at five in the morning, I am just getting rolling.
“Will somebody please play?! 😁 I love this stuff and am tired of seeing political and COVID posts.

* Age backward: 24
* Favorite Pie: Pinkie
* Italian or Chinese: Italian
* Pepsi or Coke: Neither
* Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
* How many tattoos: 0
* Ever hit a deer: D’oh, a Deer
* Netflix or Hulu: Netflix
* Favorite season: Yes
* Last text from the insurance carrier
* Broken bones: 1
* Surgeries: at least 1 probably
* Favorite color: Yes
* Favorite scent: When I am able to experience scents, I do favor them
* Mountains or Beach: But right now I’m on this lakeshore / And I’m sittin’ in the sun
* Dogs or cats: The family has an Australian Shepard and a black Labrador
* Early morning person: Like today, that is when I sometimes go to bed
* Summer or Winter: Summer
* Favorite Holiday: Christmas
* Beer or wine: Beer
* Mild or hot salsa: Mild
* Smooth or crunchy peanut butter: Depends on my mood
* Waffle or pancakes: Pancakes, although I might waffle sometimes
* Who will play: Not Sure

Just hold down and copy text to YOUR PAGE, erase my answers, and add your own.”
“Let everything that has breath praise the LORD!
Praise the LORD! (Psalms 150:6)”
Luna’s dream by joycall3