
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

8.3 naming convention

Dear Princess Celestia, I wanted to share my thoughts with you,” and explain the title, a Word of the Day from - deadwood - (in writing) unnecessary words, phrases, or exposition:
Living on a Prayer,” which is something I should have referenced last night in conversation with a colleague yet I will totally remember to mention to him today at work, does not reflect my current situation. I mean, my weekend, and Monday, and Tuesday went well. I simply have two otherwise unrelated things to bring together.

I have to reach back twenty years, when AOL was more significant and a friend shared an image of Christy Turlingon, who was sleepy. At that time, one could name a file with eight characters, a period, and three letters for an extention, how an operating system knew what program to use to display the file; this was an 8.3 naming convention, so the file was called SleepyCT.jpg although do not matter,  I am adding them to emphasize.

The same person with whom I spoke in “Humor vampirism 032,” noted she was tired at the end of the day. “Aw, Christy Turlington is sleepy,” I later thought to myself. Although they could use help to make the convention a success, I am going to stand by my decision to not volunteer at Canterlot KC this weekend, since I have not seen Bennigan in three weeks and I am generally too tired on Saturday to be much use.
“And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. (Galatians 5:24)”
(Preview 2) Slice Of Life by DeannART
(Preview 2) Slice Of Life by DeannART

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