
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day late, ... short 007

Fear not, for I shall soon say something political,
I have not left enough time for that today, however.
Entertainment Weekly Preview: Keep Calm and Flutter On
“The two-week pony hiatus is coming to a close, with Entertainment Weekly posting their preview of this Saturday’s episode, ‘Keep Calm and Flutter On.’”
I was at the home of Denton until midnight, and I slept until two this afternoon, while I went to bed at one in the morning. My sister Pamela bought Chinese for lunch, and I have been watching Animation Domination this evening.
Friendship is Magic
Bronies via Friendship is magic by *Imalou on deviantART
“Guess we didn’t have anything to say yesterday so come talk to us in the forums, maybe we’ll have something to say there, 007.”

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