
Friday, April 13, 2012

Rainbow Dash always dresses in Style

If I subscribed to Esquire, such time was brief. Back in my day, two 612 Scaglietti cars from Ferrari toured China, and were also featured in a story in GQ.
2005 Ferrari 612 Scaglietti - Tour of China
“Ferrari has had a natural association with the race track since the first Prancing Horse competed in 1947 and since then has been inextricably linked with the leading circuits across the world. It is, however, slightly more unusual to associate...”
This post was in part inspired by this image.

A subject of which my knowledge would underwhelm anyone, good advice on men’s fashion, among advice, can be found at
How to hold a hamburger properly.
“Have you ever been watching a fast food commercial and wondered why paid actors can’t hold hamburgers like normal people. It makes me laugh every time I see it. Holding a hamburger ...”
From Ponies Height IRL, I can tell you that I am bigger around than Rainbow Dash is tall and I am generally unkempt.
internet memes - Forever a Dark Knight
see more Memebase and check out our Troll Face lols!
Comfort in Limbo
“If you find yourself at the Museum of Arts and Design this spring, be sure to check out its survey of unsettling quasi-documentary videos by Julika Rudelius, titled What Is on the Outside.”
Although I ‘like’ the Trunk Club, which was recently featured in CHSO April 2012, they will likely not be receiving my business until I make changes to my body and finances.
Rainbow Dash Always Dresses in Style | Because Ponies, That’s Why
“And you can dress in style just like Rainbow Dash, with this well-tailored t-shirt, designed and drawn by Tygerbug and vectored by MoongazePonies.”
Top Gear up for the Season 18 premiere on Monday, April 16 at 8:00/7:00 Central with a countdown of the 18 Biggest Stars in the Reasonably Priced Car:
Ultimate Twixie by *PixelKitties on deviantART

“‘Oh Celestia, why!?’ -- Everypony
‘Rainbow Dash Always Dresses In Style’ is an image macro that is...”

Writing about children’s media culture, Rebecca Hains
is a media studies professor and author.
Ponies, petitions, and girl power: This week’s roundup
“Last week, I kept busy working on the My Little Pony petition, asking Hasbro to stop promoting superficial stereotypes of girls. invited me to contribute a guest post to their web site a...”
Get an exclusive inside look at the making of Richard Hammond’s Crash Course featuring an interview with the Hamster himself.

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