
Sunday, April 8, 2012

One step over the Line 001

When I was attempting apply sauce to my item from Taco Bell, I instead spilled the sauce on my shirt, a shirt which garnered ruckus laughter when I took the stage in The Mixer, where the names of improvisers are placed in a bowl and drawn at random to participate in scenes; whether he or she is in an ensemble or merely takes classes, any improviser present in the audience at the Roving Imp may play.image
Bruning Twitter Jab May Shift Campaign -
“‘I think this is a pivotal moment in the campaign, because it clearly shows what kind of man Bruning is,’ said Parsons. ‘This type of gutter politics has no place in Nebraska.’”
Kitto I must write a disclaimer about the content
in the following link from Two In The Shirt, “HAPPY EASTER

Source: There must be a birthday party or something because
Morishima-senpai has bought a lot of balloons. - J-List Tumblr
Twitter / Scott A. Frye: “Mysterious Girlfriend X synopsis sounds strange.
dude is addicted to the girl’s drool. drool? eww....”internet memes - On to the next one
see more Memebase and check out our Troll Face lols!
Mysterious Girlfriend X
“Watch the latest episodes of Mysterious Girlfriend X on Crunchyroll now. Tsubaki Akira, a completely ordinary boy in high school, happens to lick the saliva of a mysterious girl, Urabe Mikoto, who just transferred into his class. The next day, Tsubaki is bed-ridden with a inexplicable fever that won…”
I might do that, and I will now be awaiting my special place in Hell.

Source: The Great and Powerful Trixie (FiM) via Indecent Illustration

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