
Monday, April 30, 2012

MBH - my brain hurts 021

How could I not author any post in this series for so long? I don’t know, sometimes feel like a stranger in my own life. I was in eighth grade when The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air had an episode about this event some two decades ago.
“Where were you 20 years ago this week? For those of us who were in Los Angeles, we might remember tense times as the jury began deliberations in the controversial Rodney King beating trial. On April 29, 1992, shortly after the verdict was read, the city erupted in ...”
“We’ll be prepared... for what?”
“Who ever thought the saying, ‘It’s the economy stupid,’ from James Carville in 1992 would become a staple in presidential elections 20 years later? That expression made its way into the campaign...”
“Yeah, be prepared!”
Project: Fallout Glow
“My last post resulted in a lot of emails and discussions about what to do if this mess goes down; if you are reading this because you remembered reading this at some point in the future and are loo...”
In Nothing We Trust
“With few notable exceptions, the nation’s onetime social pillars are ill-equipped for the 21st century. They are failing to adapt, and people are losing faith.”
Republicans and Women's Rights: A Brief Reality Check
“Most educated Americans vaguely remember that the 19th amendment was passed by Congress in 1919. But the number of people who know anything about the 40-year legislative war that preceded that victory is smaller than the audience of MSNBC.”
Supernatural- The Gambler
rage comics - When Things Go Boom...
see more Memebase and check out our Troll Face lols!

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