
Friday, March 9, 2012

A second out of phase 012

WIND ADVISORY has been issued for 66202
“Joe Williams, Andy Sullivan, Bill Burton, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Wayne Barrett. Plus, ‘Time Marches On.’”
I think that Liberals are Hypocrites, and Maher and his ilk call conservative women like Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin terrible names all the time.
“We’ve all read about the vicious attacks unleashed on women who refuse to march in lock step with the left’s tired agenda and failed policies.”
Rush Limbaugh says something about a woman who made herself a public figure and went before Congress with a lie in order for us to pay for her sex life...
Fluke You Democrats! The Truth about Sandra Fluke’s Dishonest Contraception Testimony
“Watch more episodes of Trifecta on PJTV.”
WELL, I have a big problem with that;
just like people stood with Team Coco...
I Stand With Rush Limbaugh
“I stand with Rush Limbaugh and appreciate the massive contribution that he has made to the Conservative Movement and our nation over the last 25 years. I condemn attempts by radical left-wing organizations to silence Rush and his commonsense conservative message.”
Zooey Deschanel shared this link, and they are not talking about calling Rush fat.
From Slut-Shaming to Weight-Shaming: Let’s Just Stop, Okay?
“I mean sure, on the surface, the stone-faced German fashion designer and the impassioned conservative commentator have nothing in common. But I can totally see them hitting it off, can’t you? Just imagine those two kooky kids swapping secrets, shopping for smart accessories (Chanel, natch), and play...”
Coincidentally, I find myself feeling a second out of phase,
because this event was yesterday.
International Women’s Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“International Women’s Day (IWD), originally called International Working Women’s Day, is marked on March 8 every year. In different regions the focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women to a celebration for women's economic, political...”
Many people, not all of them are my friends, have been sharing KONY 2012, “a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and ...”

internet memes - It's True Facts
see more Memebase and check out our Troll Face lols!
Guest post: Joseph Kony is not in Uganda (and other complicated things)
“Thanks to an incredibly effective social media effort, #StopKony is trending on Twitter today. The campaign coincides with a new awareness-raising documentary by the group Invisible Children. Former FP intern Michael Wilkerson, now a freelance journalist and Ph.D. candidate at Oxford -- who ...”
Among other complicated things, a Rainbow Dash page has a post to honor the memory of a young woman who recently took her own life; she was an administrator of Human Derpy Hooves (MLP; FiM).

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