
Sunday, March 11, 2012

One step over the Line

Television Tropes & Idioms shares,  “The Getting Crap Past The Radar trope as used in popular culture, with a list of examples from all media.”
One Toke On Lawrence Welk
“Even in the tranquility of hindsight, Mike Brewer cannot hide a stunned shudder of stupefaction at the epic contradictions that befell him and partner Tom Shipley in the immediate aftermath of the release of their signature single ‘One Toke Over The Line’ in 1971.”

Source: Rainbow Dash
Hybrid - Finished Symphony
“Do we really need to say anything about this track other than  ‘Enjoy! Distinctive Records’”
The following example is from the new episode last week:
my little pony, friendship is magic, brony - Dear Haters
see more My Little Brony

To remind one that I will not be seeing John Carter,
John Carter |
“Taylor Kitsch (Friday Night Lights) plays the titular character in this Disney sci-fi action film about a Civil War vet mysteriously plucked from…”
I will again show this image.
Genital-filled Princess of Mars comic shows off the full-frontal natives of Barsoom (NSFW)
“If your biggest problem with Disney’s John Carter movie is that it didn’t contain nearly enough Martian wang, then James Killian Spratt’s graphic (in more ways than one) adaptation of A Princess of Mars might be up your alley.”
Plenty of things remind me about South Park, and even more about Family Guy, but here is an episode very similar to the previous article.
Major Boobage
“Watch Major Boobage (Season 12, Episode 3) at South Park Studios. In a South Park homage to the 1981 film, Heavy Metal, the boys are trying to get Kenny off the latest drug craze that’s captured the junior high and under set..”
I do not want to burden you, but Denton says that the moving day will begin when you awake tomorrow.
KCD Home  » Blog Archive   » The Perfect Mate
“A real man …. is a woman’s best friend. He will never stand her up and never let her down. He will reassure her when she feels insecure and comfort her after a bad day. He will inspire her to do things she never thought she could do; to live without fear and forget regret. He will enable her to …”
Do you have an estimate of what time that might be? Are we meeting at the old place or the new place at noon?
One Jesus for liberals, another for conservatives
“Johnjoe McFadden: New research shows how believers tailor Christian teachings to fit their own political viewpoint …”
Here. Okay, good, because I am tired, and need to be told things twice. Technically, if I forget to set my clock ahead, then we are meeting at 11:00. Holy... the time change just happened!

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