
Friday, March 30, 2012

Have Suzumiya Haruhi, will travel 003

Blogger entreats me to review comments made to my blog, and mizhenka shared the following, which regards The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
The Marmite Nature Of Haruhi Suzumiya | Manga UK Blog
“Matt Kamen weighs the pros and cons…”
Well, now that we have Suzumiya Haruhi,
this post will travel from its title,
but what is Marmite?
Marmite - Love it or hate it
“Marmite is a nutritious savoury spread that contains B vitamins, enjoyable in a sandwich, on toast, bread or even as a cooking ingredient. You’ll either love it or hate it.”
Could such be for a land down under?
Marmite shortage leaves New Zealanders spreading themselves thin
“Nation told it goes further on toast after factory for local version, different from British kind, is shut by Christchurch quake.”
The local version of a Royal Wedding, different from the British kind:
my little pony, friendship is magic, brony - Royal Weddings
see more My Little Brony
Could such be polarizing, like a Nissan Juke?
Marmite made illegal in Denmark - Telegraph
“According to the marketing slogan it is a taste that you either love or hate. But Danes will no longer get the chance to make up their own minds on Marmite after the British delicacy was banned under food safety laws.”
Oh, I see, because you’ll either love it or hate it, Melancholy is like Marmite; I have triumphantly updated my entertainingly shallow and pedantic blog.

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